
"And I Quote"

Heyya friends. How the hell are you? It's been a while. That's great! Glad to hear it. Now on to the meat...

With all of the possibilities that exist for people to share themselves with other cyber-citizen, be it Facebook, Twitter, blogs or good old-fashioned emails, it's become practically de-facto that friends will end their updates with a "signature" of one inspirational quote or another. And I can dig that. Somebody somewhere in the course of human history has uttered words that cut through to the very core of your being. Words that you feel an overwhelming compulsion to send my way. A compulsion that creates images in my mind not unlike the annual ritual of the salmon what spawn.

For the most part, the quotes are taken from very reputable and historically significant figures. Albert Einstein. Robbie Burns. Bobby Vinton. The list of those that said this or that that have caused us to feel or think any number of things is endless. But the slippery slope of misquoting and/or selecting a less than savory source exists, so I offer up the following Tip on sources to avoid. You should NEVER end with:

"Words build bridges into unexplored regions." If this emanated from a scribe of great renown, say a Georgia O'Keefe, then attach with reckless abandon. The true utterer was Adolf Hitler. The jury of time has already rendered a very resounding verdict here.

"If you're going to do something, do it well." Any athlete or celebrity or 8th grade high school teacher might have said this. Anyone with superstar capabilities could drop this simple nugget and we would be forced to strive for more. But when the source is Charlie Manson, you may want to not include.

"I believe in one thing only, the power of human will." If Stephen Hawking vocoded this gem or Helen Keller signed this into a permanent etching that moves millions, go ahead. Make the font 8 zillion for all I care. But Joseph Stalin, that czar of the bizarre, is guilty of this one.

I could go on, but i won't. All's I'm saying is verify who said what before you electronically forward to me. And in the words of a yet-to-be-discovered blogiste once said, "You're Welcome".

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